Services & Amenities
The care you need in a community that feels like home from the moment you arrive is available now at Pacifica Senior Living Fort Myers. Our Memory Care community combines personalized care plans with life-enriching amenities to help your loved one live a rich and fulfilling life in a comfortable and home-like environment. The community is organized into “cottages,” which are like little neighborhoods where residents of similar abilities can enjoy similar benefits and features. We offer both private apartment homes and companion suites, as well as Respite Care and hospice services. Our team takes care of everything from the cooking and cleaning to planning activities to ensure that each of our residents has just what they need to age in place with comfort, confidence, and joy.
Your Time is Now
It’s never too early to plan for senior living. At Pacifica Senior Living, we focus on crafting a vibrant, fulfilling lifestyle designed to exceed your expectations of what senior living can be.
You’ve spent your life working, come live with us and enjoy resort-style luxury for the new generation of seniors.
“My brother and I visited and we liked it very much because it was very nice. The overall experience of the place was really pleasant. They seemed to try to have everybody engage and participate in their daily activities. The room was very nice. It had pretty much of everything that you would want.”